Overhead wire vertical and lateral position measurement.
Height and Stagger Gauge, stand-alone measurement and on-the-spot data recording.
Finally, an instrument that is fast to use, records the measurement and works under most conditions. Being non-contact, is completely safe. VERY quick to set up and convenient to use.
- - Track occupancy is measured in seconds not minutes
- - Easy to locate the wire or object up to 10 metres
- - Local backlit LCD display
- - Measures track based horizontal position (stagger)
- - Measures track based vertical position (height)
- - Measures track superelevation (cant)
- - Viewfinder pointing assisted
- - Night or day operation
- - Accuracy +/- 10 mm for wire geometry
- - Accuracy +/- 2 mm for superelevation
The Overhead Wire Locator, or OWL for short is a laser based unit. Essentially the unit folds out to an inverted “V”, traversing the track, and a movable, pivoted box, whereto the laser and viewfinder are attached. The laser and viewfinder are optically aligned. Pointing the laser dot at the wire, or superimposing the wire visually in the viewfinder target against the sky background is the only skill needed. The viewfinder is telescopic, magnifying the laser dot and can easily be used by vision impaired operators. Once the wire (whether messenger wire, support structure or any other object) has been selected, toggling the Measurement switch will initiate the measurement
The measurement results are displayed on the LCD screen.
The local LCD display provides horizontal and vertical wire position, track superelevation and remaining battery capacity.
If there is a Bluetooth® unit present nearby, which may be a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) or laptop with the recording software installed, the measurement data is automatically transferred to the PDA or laptop. This is the most popular option
Another option is to store the measurements inside the unit until re-called by a command either via cable (RS232) or a Bluetooth® type computer.
A further option is to download the surveypeg or overhead staunchion ID’s before going out on track. The measurements, including ID’s are then downloaded at the end of the day to a PC.
Options are not limited to this listing:
- - Tiger Recording Software for Laptop
- - Recharge batteries
- - GPS based recording
- - GDA94 based recording
- - Google Earth referenced recording (needs laptop and internet)
- - External Battery Pack
- - Trolley based unit (as in push-along)